Saturday January 25, 2025
I'm planning to attend a queer meeting this week and so I want to advertise my mastodon server somewhat. I made these business cards to hand out and figured I'd share them here too.
Friday January 24, 2025
Finding this blog again, this is a good idea, I could even turn it into the running section of the blog? I think it would be good to be able to post thoughts here that last longer than the tweets on my socials, maybe links I like or that I want to clean out of my browser tabs. It would definitely show off what I'm working on and thinking about.
Recently I've been invigorated by certain pieces of writing, first Jeff Jarvis' Guttenberg Parenthesis which I received as a gift this christmas; in it Jarvis uses the invention of the printing press and subsequent developments in print as a lens for examining our own era in technology. If the comparison holds, we would be in the middle or late in the Net's own "incunabula" period, flush with cash and producing more products than anyone needs, but full of poor conditions and little innovation. Next was Andrew Roach's "Community Media: A Handbook for Revolutions in DIY TV" which dovetail's nicely with the Guttenberg Parenthesis, and caused my imagination to run wild with the possibilities afforded us by our technology. Lastly I've been working through Jonny Saunders' "Decentralized Infrastructure for (Neuro)science" where we arrive at the ultimate idea of a distributed decentralized social medium built around verifiable membership of communities. Communities are the self-reinforcing fundamental unit of human organization, they are what Jarvis argues are destined to usurp the concept of "mass" as in media, they are what the Community Media Handbook suggests organizing a TV (or indeed any media) operation around.
All of this meant I've been wanting to get back into the blog. I think I won't put up as many longer pieces, but I found this log type file that will serve me to put things I want to have on my website for longer here. I also want to keep a blog roll up to date, as well as a list of podcasts and rss feeds I find interesting.
[EN: These are adapted from a number of logs I made previously, they can be found live elsewhere in their entirety at links from their heading titles.]
Friday November 18, 2023
We get our first try of the beer! It's tasty, but less carbonated than I thought it would be.
How can we make computing in the large viable without the corporation?
Computing isn't accessible to most people, and it's been that way for a long time. From top to bottom your average web application contains myriad complexity, and average Joes do not have the skills or time to actually manage their connected lives. To effectively administrate these applications to the level the corporations that run our lives do, you would need at minimum working knowledge of:
- A Linux distribution
- That distribution's philosophy to package management and updates
- Backups
- Networking, everything from layer 1 to 4, including IPv6
Sunday November 12, 2023
No writing today, the world is too heavy for Takes. I'm getting by with my cat, so here's a picture of her.
Saturday November 11, 2023
I finally got around to bottling all that beer I made a couple weeks ago!
Friday November 10, 2023
Updating my blog. Cursing the ietf for ever inventing computer networking.
Thursday November 9, 2023
I've decided to start recording activities on a website that I keep up to date with a local-first version control, so I'll tag these and have something to go back and reference later. Loosely based on the memex method